About this blog

About Me


I've been passionate about building websites for as long as I've had internet access. From the days of basic HTML to this Gatsby blog, my journey has encompassed a wide array of technologies. I've worked on flat HTML sites, PHP blogs, ASP.net forums, React shopping pages, and many projects in between.

This blog is a space where I share what interests me at any given time. My posts are often spontaneous and unpolished, more like brainstorming sessions. Occasionally, I produce content that I'm particularly proud of, whether for its quality, engagement, or relevance.

Community Engagement

While I love engaging with the community, writing about Web3 topics brought an influx of spam and trolling, diminishing my enjoyment. As a result, I've disabled the comments section and removed existing comments and members until I can implement a better system to handle this.

Connect with Me

Content Overview

This site has evolved over time to reflect my changing interests and focus areas.

2018 - 2020

2020 - 2023

2023 - 2024

In 2023, I decided to stop writing about Project Management, although it remains a part of my skillset. It no longer brings me the same satisfaction. My focus has shifted more towards Software Engineering, particularly web development, a long-time passion of mine that I am excited to explore further.

2024 - Present

I've slowly shifted away from Machine Learning and Data Science, and I tend to write more about my journey to become a Developer. I'm really passionate about Web3, I'm an AI/LLM evangelist, and I am taking Testing and QA a lot more seriously now, so expect a few posts covering these topics as well.