The Kanban Agenda

Have you ever wanted to deliver your meeting a little differently? Perhaps bored with the same old PowerPoint slides and the usual structure of one person talking and clicking and everyone else watching?

Have you ever wanted to deliver your meeting a little differently? Perhaps bored with the same old PowerPoint slides and the usual structure of one person talking and clicking and everyone else watching?

Well, this is a way of making the meeting a little more involved and getting attendees to feel part of the meeting.

This works best with an empty wall and some big, clear post-it’s. Start with a simple Kanban;


Then add an agenda, the part that makes the kanban/meeting more interactive is to encourage the attendees to move the cards for you. Ideally, you want to place the kanban agenda somewhere between you and the attendees, a side wall would be ideal.

Kanban is an Agile delivery method and Agile favours team-working and interaction, this is a nice way of enabling interaction and showing a live kanban (especially if you’re introducing your team to a new style of project or product delivery).