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The F1 GOAT Project; What am I trying to acheive?

The F1 GOAT Project; What am I trying to acheive? | My Blog

The F1 GOAT Project; What am I trying to acheive?

Is the number of Formula 1 Driver Championships the measure of The GOAT?

I recently returned to a project that I started more than a year ago but that quickly fell away as my other commitments took hold of my time. This project is mostly around using Python for Data Analysis, the data to be analysed will come from Kaggle.

There will also be an element of web-frontend involved as I want to display the output in some easy to understand and easy to use way.

I want to know if we can use Python and some simple Data Analysis to compare drivers from different seasons to see how they might stack up against one another.

F1 Car (Pink)

I haven’t quite figured out the frontend yet, but the basics of the project are as follows:

- Find suitable data from Kaggle (hopefully)
- Explore the data to see what we have and how it all connects together 
- Start manipulating the data (removing data that is beyond the scope of the project) 
- Present initial findings (frontend work) (an MVP of sorts)
- Analyse the data 
- Modify the data and Analyse again (how do the modifications change the output)
- Present the new data 
- Can I automate this so that in the future we can just take new data from Kaggle and get our front end to show the results? 
- Can we make the frontend prettier

My plan is to ‘open-source’ this project from my GitHub page so that others can see:

(1) what I did to the original data
(2) offer input on how I could have done this better
(3) allow others to easily build on top of my work for whatever reasons 
(4) to offer an opportunity to collaborate with others that are interested in this subject. 

I don’t know the timescales involved yet, yes I know I should Project Manage it but I do have a lot of other projects that I’m currently committed to as well, but I am going to keep a narrative for this project with more regular updates to the blog.

Essentially the output will be an answer to the question ‘Who is the greatest F1 driver so far?’

The GitHub page for this project can be found here: f1-goat on GitHub. Check back soon to see how I’m getting on!