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Building an SEO Personal Portfolio

Building an SEO Personal Portfolio | My Blog

Building an SEO Personal Portfolio

Refreshing My Personal Portfolio: A Shift in Perspective

It’s time to give my personal portfolio a much-needed overhaul. My understanding of what a portfolio should accomplish has evolved significantly. Previously, I viewed it as a mere showcase of projects and technologies. Whilst that’s partially true, I’ve come to realise that explaining the rationale behind each project is far more crucial than simply displaying images.

A Wake-up Call

In the past, my portfolio entries consisted of project images, brief descriptions, and lists of technologies used. I naively assumed that web crawlers would pick up on the tech stack and label me as proficient in those areas.

However, a frank, albeit indirect, critique from a senior developer and hiring manager on Twitter opened my eyes. They pointed out that a portfolio should highlight one’s ability to identify and solve problems, rather than just parade a list of technologies. The key questions to address are: ‘What was the problem?’, ‘What solution did you devise?’, ‘Why was this the best approach?’, and ‘What were the results?’. Including quantifiable outcomes would be even more impactful.

The Significance of This Approach

This shift in focus moves beyond merely showcasing technical skills to demonstrating problem-solving prowess and tangible impact. Employers and clients are more interested in how one tackles challenges and delivers concrete results. They want to see evidence of critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to implement effective solutions.

Embracing Next.js

I thoroughly enjoy working with React, though not quite as much as I relish working with PHP. It’s remarkable what one can build with ample practice and a bit of assistance from large language models (LLMs).

For this project, however, I’m venturing into the realm of Next.js. From my limited understanding, Next.js is SEO-friendly, which is vital for a portfolio site.

Next.js offers both Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG), which can significantly boost a website’s performance and search engine optimisation (SEO). By harnessing these features, I aim to create a portfolio that not only looks polished but also performs well and reaches a broader audience.

The Road Ahead

This project will be a learning journey, exploring how Next.js can enhance the visibility and effectiveness of my portfolio. I’ll document the process, hurdles, and outcomes, sharing insights along the way. Keep an eye out for updates as I navigate the intricacies of Next.js and construct a portfolio that truly reflects my skills and problem-solving capabilities.

The Desired Outcome

Revamping my portfolio page goes beyond a mere visual update. It’s a chance to better showcase my abilities and the impact of my work. By focusing on the problems I’ve tackled, the solutions I’ve implemented, and the outcomes achieved, I hope to create a portfolio that resonates more strongly with potential employers and clients. With Next.js at my disposal, I’m keen to see how these enhancements can elevate my portfolio to new heights.