Posts tagged with #NFT
Building an ERC-20 token.
Understanding WallaceCoin - A Beginner's Guide to ERC-20 Tokens.
Why I think Web3 is the future.
I want to build something cool for the Web3 world. I just don't know what.
Web3 is always in the news for the wrong reasons!
Why is Web3 always in the news and never for a good reason?
InterPlanetary File System
I recently saw a YouTube video that described much of the Web3 space as nothing more than a scam briefly touching on the IPFS as something that some scam-artist just plucked from thin air. Let's dig in.
So NFTs are a bit more popular than I thought they would be
I wrote earlier this year about Ethereum and I mentioned that I thought NFTs were a bit of a side thing... I may have been wrong.
Ethereum, the new money
How is Ethereum different from BitCoin?